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How to use myTheo

Integrating myTheo Into Your Business Part One

At Theo, we strive to support our members with highly accurate property information and integrated features to keep everyone informed. Further, we love hearing success stories from "the field", so in the next few weeks, we'll share tips on using myTheo to reinforce the collaborative relationship between agents and clients!

Part 1: Posting screenshots for #instantinsight

A presence on social media channels may already be an integrated part of your business, or perhaps you're looking for an easy way to get rolling with the likes of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Either way, myTheo puts dynamic content at your fingertips, always at the ready to help you share the latest market details with your followers. 

Agents have been posting screenshots of the Broker Tour, the 48 Hour Hot Sheet, and just about any other search to give "at-a-glance" info to their fans. These easily digestible tidbits take seconds to post yet make any real estate professional appear knowledgeable, in the know and fully in charge of the very latest property trends. 


Tag us on Instagram in your next #instantinsight, we'd love to join your journey! Learn how to integrate Facebook in Part Two.